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Slimwedge Cast Clip (SW47-134)

Slimwedge Cast Clip – 7/16″ Bolts On 1 3/4″ Mounting bracket for SlimWedge Series tillage tools. Bolts to the toolbar shanks allowing SlimWedge tools to be installed and removed without…

Slimwedge Cast Clip (SW47-134L)

Slimwedge Cast Clip – 7/16″ Bolts On 1 3/4″ With Lock Mounting bracket for SlimWedge Series tillage tools. Bolts to the toolbar shanks allowing SlimWedge tools to be installed and…

6″ Peanut Sweep (131-6)

6” Southern Peanut Sweep 3/16” Thick 7/16” Bolts Spaced 1.25” – 2.25” With a low crown height and very low wing lift, Empire peanut sweeps are designed to undercut shallow…

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7″ Viper Sweep (VP074)

7″ Viper Sweep 1/4″ Thick 47° Shank 7/16” Bolts spaced 1 5/8 -1 3/4” The Viper line of sweeps are our premium sweeps. They offer the same exceptional strength and…

Product Image Coming Soon
7″ Nok-On Viper Sweep (VPFT074)

7″ Nok-On Viper Sweep 1/4″ Thick 47° Shank The Viper line of sweeps are our premium sweeps. They offer the same exceptional strength and cutting performance as our standard patterns…